Wednesday, November 25, 2009

End of the world - Mexican timezone only

Time : Sometime around 200 - 300 A.D.
Place : Some where in present South America.

A young guy is given a task of carving some numbers onto stones. He keeps doing it diligently everyday carving a couple of hundred numbers everyday. One day as he is engrossed in the engraving, he happens to see a beautiful young girl pass by. He wonders what he is doing there with a stone, when he could be doing better. So he leaves the stones and goes after the girl and never returns back to finish his job.

Time : Present day.
Place : Mexico.

The whole is in a frenzy after some archaeologist discovers some stones with numbers. They have deciphered that the stones contains dates and the date suddenly stops at the modern day time of Dec 21, 2012. They come to the conclusion that the world is going to end on that day.

If only these guys knew why the date stopped at Dec 21, 2012.
The date stopped because the guy who was carving them went out on a date.

Point to ponder - If it really is going to happen on Dec 21, 2012, which timezone is it? If it is in the Mexican time zone, then it would already be Dec 22 in Japan. So the world will not end for Japan?

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